Monday, 14 June 2010

Time is like a disease and immortality is over-rated.

My blog really has a low upkeep. (=_=) And I find it's more like dying abit slowly day by day. It's a painfully slow and ardous process that I begin to hate. Yeah... for some reason, I feel a little down at the moment. Maybe I need a sugar rush.
As a child, I used to think immortality and living forever would be nice. But now as I think about it, that would really suck big time. Really.

Anyway, this fellah here is one of many characters I've been redesigning for a comic idea I've been working on. So, far - though he's not the main character, he's quickly becoming my favourite for some reason. (I think it's the outfit)

On a side note - I've been looking over some issues of Marvel's X-Men and been going... "Wtf?" It's a sad feeling when you start to feel old for wishing for the good old days when storylines actually made sense and had an amount of continuity to it. (And I will stop now, before I burst into a full fledge rant of how characters are merely thrown into a situation then shoved into limbo or die only to resurrect like only... a million times.)

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