Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Movies and Starcraft

I'm waiting for Starcraft II campaigns on Zerg and Protoss... starcaftstarcraftstarcraftstarcraftstarcraft... Lol.
I've been busy (which was interesting) and also, this month, I've actually seen more movies at the cinema than I usually do... ever I think. (I think what, I went to see, hmm... 3 movies this month in the span of 2 weeks? - That's loads for me anyway.)

So, Sorcerer's Apprentice? My opinion of it was, fun movie, interesting to watch, doesn't blow me away or anything for sure because it's a typical good versus evil story in my opinion. (With geek science thrown in to the mystical)

A-Team? I loved how the characters were portrayed, some very cool lines and planning by Hannibal. Sweet action with the whole, "flying tank", that was possibly one of my favourite scenes in the whole film. Murdoch is seriously hillarious. Didn't like the lieutenant(?) woman though, she just annoyed me with her whole attitude and prejudice towards Face and the A-Team.

Salt, hmmm, good storyline with plenty of twists in the plot but I feel it could have been better. (it got a star rating on the cinema page which suppose to mean (according to my brother anyway) that the film is supposed to be good as rated by viewers. Now, storyline-wise, it wasn't bad but the pacing of the film in the beginning didn't really work for me. Yeah, Angelina Jolie constructing a sort of explosive cannon, cool - but the whole running from the CIA agency was wa-ay too long in my opinion. (I almost fell asleep there despite the whole sequence of action scenes) So, yeah... not amazingly great for me, but not bad either. I would recommend it as a movie to watch.

And to end this little blurb, I have Starcraft artsies... sort of.

Kerrigan - After finishing SC2.
Raynor - WIP, part of a larger pic

And, yeah... got nothing else, shall go back to either rewatching BSG or spending some time pulling hair at bloody jiggling boobs rigging. (Don't ask)

Monday, 14 June 2010

Time is like a disease and immortality is over-rated.

My blog really has a low upkeep. (=_=) And I find it's more like dying abit slowly day by day. It's a painfully slow and ardous process that I begin to hate. Yeah... for some reason, I feel a little down at the moment. Maybe I need a sugar rush.
As a child, I used to think immortality and living forever would be nice. But now as I think about it, that would really suck big time. Really.

Anyway, this fellah here is one of many characters I've been redesigning for a comic idea I've been working on. So, far - though he's not the main character, he's quickly becoming my favourite for some reason. (I think it's the outfit)

On a side note - I've been looking over some issues of Marvel's X-Men and been going... "Wtf?" It's a sad feeling when you start to feel old for wishing for the good old days when storylines actually made sense and had an amount of continuity to it. (And I will stop now, before I burst into a full fledge rant of how characters are merely thrown into a situation then shoved into limbo or die only to resurrect like only... a million times.)