Sunday, 13 March 2011

Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Disaster and Facebook

First off, I pray for the country that they will make it through their crisis in these dark hours. Hopefully their death toll won't be as bad as predicted (though it does look very bleak at the moment) and that nothing else happens in the mean time (disaster-wise).

Now, something very disturbing has come to light with the earthquake/tsunami disaster in Japan that I found quite shocking while browsing through my list of notices on Facebook. A friend posted picture(?) of several various facebook comments from Americans where some actually jeered at Japan's time of tragedy equating a natural disaster and threat of nuclear meltdown as "payback" for Pearl Harbour. It is saddening to think that there are apparently malicious and small-minded bigoted individuals in the world that will laugh at a country's misfortune.

I mean, honestly? Payback? Apparently it's simple to conveniently forget that America has already exacted their "payback" by nuking two whole cities and contaminating land with nuclear radiation that has had lasting effects even up til today. Those on that facebook pic said remember Pearl Harbour, well I say what about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Sure, Pearl Harbour was tragic, but so was every other place  in the world where war has erupted. People saying how sad and sorry and badly wronged their side was, are just being childish. Every side in a war is wronged not because of who shot who first, but because people DIE.

You say karma? Well in that case, if you wish evil on others, karma's going to come back and bite all you small-minded people too doesn't it?

Stop being vindictive. Stop passing down your hatred to the next generation. And stop whining about how sucky your stupid life and government is. Treat people as how you would like to be treated and not kick them in the face when they're on the ground.

Okay, rant over. I feel much better now since seeing that disgusting pic of facebook postage.